109927 Ord / CPO Henry Copelin Hendy, RN
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Three: 109927 Ord / CPO Henry Copelin Hendy, RN, comprising:
(a) Egypt 1882, dated rev, 2 clasps: Alexandria 11th July, The Nile 1884-85, engr H.C. Hendy. ORD: HMS MONARCH;
(b) RNLS, Geo V, 109927 H.C. HENDY C.P.O. HMS POWERFUL;
(c) Khedive’s Star 1882, bz, unnamed as issued.
HMS MONARCH (5th of 6 ships): An iron screw ship of 8,320 tons, w/ 4 x 12 in and 3 x 7 in guns; 1868-1905 (sold for BU).
HMS POWERFUL (3rd of 6 ships): a 1st class cruiser of 4,200 tons, w/ 2 x 9.2 in, 12 x 6 in, 16 x 12 pdr guns; became IMPREGNABLE (training ship) in 1919 to 1929 (sold for BU).
Henry Copelin Hendy was born 12 Apr 1863 at Redruth, Cornwall. He enlisted in the Royal Navy for an initial 10-year engagement on 12 Apr 1881, at age 18 years. He was first posted as Ordinary Seaman in HMS Ganges and later to HMS Monarch on 11 Jan 1882 including the Nile Flotilla to 1885. He was advanced to Leading Seaman on 1 Aug 1890, and to PO 1st Class on 30Jul 1891, and finally to Chief Petty Officer on 27 Feb 1900. He transferred to HMS POWERFUL from 15 Dec 1915 to 18 Oct 1916, when he was invalided (disease). He was entitled to a WWI trio of medals that apparently were never issued. He died ca. 1923 at ago 60 and never received his WWI medals.
Sold with copies of documents from National Archives (UK) files.
Medals unmounted, some contact mks, gen GVF.